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Craft is a short VFX film created by our team, Thyra Rayne Anstey, Piaras Cushnan, and I. 


The VFX film is about a boy who's been practicing origami for quite a while, trying to create a paper rabbit figure. However, after various attempts at doing so, he gives up, frustrated. The paper then refolds itself into the figure he had been trying to create as an environment with various other animals and wildlife, creating a beautiful environment upon his desk.

The video also shows some of the breakdowns that reveal how we carried out the processes of merging our models into the video.

Our aim was to give our audience a heartwarming video to watch, so as a team, we wanted to go for a simple story and project, that would be easy to blend 3D into real life.

Since our project was VFX based, we wanted to give off the illusion to our audiences that these paper models existed in real life. Our project was heavily inspired by National Geographic's Animated Paper Wildlife | Short film.  (National Geographic, 2016).

My demoreel

My contributions to the project:

2019-01-11 (1).png
2018-12-17 (1).png

Here are the models that I have contributed to the project along with rigging and texturing. References were followed as I had to get the exact paper folds of origami models.


The research was carried out into how thin/thick certain areas of paper had to be in order to make these animals seem paper-like, as well as being able to identify what animal it was.


2018-12-12 (1).png
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